Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle was founded by Dyna Vink to help women navigate the symptoms of perimenopause. Using a lifestyle approach is certified as a health and nutrition coach to guide women through what can be some confusing information.

For women entering perimenopause, there wasn’t good information out there to understand how perimenopause changes our bodies. Very few people discuss perimenopause, and doctors are poorly equipped to help. Rather than dealing with many different and puzzling symptoms individually, the answer is often “perimenopause”.

Dyna found that her family physician, dietician, and fitness coach seemed to be operating on a different planet. Their prescription of a traditional low fat, high carb diet wasn’t working, and the endless exercising was draining – all without delivering good outcomes.

After gaining a lot of weight and developing underlying conditions (insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure), Dyna started doing her own research to figure out what was happening to the body she thought she knew so well.

The result of this research concluded that no single approach was enough. Turns out there are several simple changes to embrace to create a holistic lifestyle. This meant living free of many medications, recapturing vitality, and empowering women to get back to doing the things they loved.

Dyna developed a program to guide women through the myths, mysteries, and science of perimenopause to live well. The Holistic Health Blueprint for Women in Perimenopause is an 8-week program to a healthier, fitter, and happier lifestyle.

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